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2023 Nominee
Voted 2 out of 20

The Undercover Book List

Written by Colleen Nelson.
Published in 2021 by Pajama Press.

The Undercover Book List is a story told in two voices in alternating, very short, chapters. The initial voice is Jane’s, and she is having to cope with several very stressful situations at once. First, her absolutely best friend and reading buddy is moving away, but, compounding this devastating fact is the additional one that Sienna was the fourth person on the school’s team for the Kid Lit Quiz competition, and the Regional competition, which would determine who would go to the finals, required a four-person team (with a fifth allowed as spare), and a coach. This excuse to read more is Jane’s “thing”; she adores reading, and being quizzed about what she’s read makes it all even more fun, but she, Jane, must find another person for the team! NO one seems at all interested. However, there is a bright spot: before leaving town, Sienna, knowing Jane’s love of mysteries, has set up a puzzle for her, one that requires Jane to find something in the library that is “safer approved”.

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2 thoughts on “The Undercover Book List

  1. coalbanks elementary

    i am more than half way in the book and some parts are kind of sad but over all i thing it is a pretty good book!!

  2. Wildwood School

    The Undercover Book List is an emotional book about a girl and a boy who both are having struggles. Tyson the boy and Jane the girl are going to the same school and meet by sending notes through books. Tyson learned his love for reading after playing video games for hours on end, while Jane learns to let go that her best friend is thousands of miles away. I definitely recommend this book to all ages that can read novels!

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